Infrastructure and Environment
Boring is beautiful. Nothing is more civilized than clean water flowing easily, sewers draining unnoticed, trash removed efficiently, public areas maintained neatly, and streets and sidewalks smooth and functional. Sometimes Los Altans take good public services for granted, but that’s only because the city manager, staff, and contractors are on the job, making it happen. City council must attend to these often ignored details, ensuring that the financial, operational, and policy foundations remain sound.
Mobile wireless is a lifeline for modern life. Poor coverage and capacity don’t just inconvenience residents. They also obstruct the efficient delivery of services by the merchants, contractors, and vendors on whom we depend. Even worse, service gaps threaten safety in an emergency, when rapid response is required. Yet in the past, Los Altos adopted a quixotic strategy of hostility towards mobile service providers. Not only has this impeded network improvements, it cost us millions of dollars in pointless legal fees and penalties. We need to adopt a tough but constructive approach towards improving this key infrastructure.
Climate change is real. We need to take meaningful measures towards addressing this threat. It’s true that the impact of Los Altos by itself is a small percentage. But it’s also true that the ingenuity and prosperity of Los Altos provide flexibility to experiment with ways to make progress that other communities might learn from and adopt. That said, we must analyze green policies in light of the impact they have on our neighbors, who may be living in older homes and on fixed incomes. Let’s move forward together.